Improving Surgical Precision
Eyelyn Pro provides simultaneous AS-OCT and Wavefront Aberrometry data during cataract surgery. Intra-operative AS OCT helps surgeon accurately estimate the effective position of the implant lens - a crucial parameter for accurate IOL power calculation. Simultaneous Wavefront Aberrometry scan accurately measures astigmatism and its axis. During toric IOL implant intra-operative Aberrometry guides precise axis alignment online during the surgery. Intra-operative AS-OCT and Aberrometry also guide precise surgical incisions for astigmatism management.

Improving Vision
Improving Life

Today’s older generation, the baby boomers born in 1950’s and 60’s, are more active and are working longer compared to past older generations. Accustomed to active life-style, which includes reading on iPads to driving cars, they have higher visual demands. Many of those who have undergone laser vision correction surgery have the same higher expectation for the result of an advance catarct procedure.
Wavesense Engineering helps surgeons meet their target refractive outcome for their patients with high precision. This means patients can see clearly at all distances without glasses. We believe every individual, irrespective of their age, deserves the best quality vision that improves their quality of life.

What is Cataract
Cataract is the clouding of the lens, which makes the vision blurry and can eventually lead to total vision loss. It mostly affects older persons over the age of 60 years. It is the number one cause of blindness in the world as more than 51% of the total cases related to total vision loss is due to cataract. Currently, more than 20 million people are suffering from treatable cataract.
Freedom from Glasses after Cataract Surgery
The standard treatment involves surgically removing the cataract lens and implanting an intraocular lens (IOL). New advanced technology IOL such as multifocal and extended depth of focus (EDOF) IOLs can enable clear near, far and intermediate vision without the need for glasses. New toric lOLs can even manage patient’s astigmatism.

Eyelyn Pro helps surgeons to select correct multi-focal IOL, which means clear near, far and intermediate vision for patients.
Eyelyn Pro surgical guidance ensures meeting the target refractive outcome with high precision, which also means improved night vision.